The Inside Track on Publishing for Writers – Don’t miss Helen Moffett’s publishing seminar in partnership with Modjaji Books (24 Jun)

Join Modjaji Books on Thursday 24 June 2021 at 6pm for a publishing seminar with experienced editor, award-winning writer and all-round book fiend Helen Moffett.

For an hour, she’ll share what she thinks every writer needs to know before they hit ‘send’ on a manuscript. You’ll be able to write in with questions, and she’ll answer in real-time.

Space is limited, so be sure to book soon. ⁠

The cost: Buy one or more Modjaji titles from our website or any good bookshop or online store before 24 June. Send proof of payment (and preferably a pic of yourself holding up the book) to info@modjajibooks.co.za or upload it to social media and tag Modjaji Books! ⁠

If you don’t want a book, tickets cost R300 via the link provided in the Facebook event.

Categories Africa Fiction Non-fiction South Africa

Tags Book events Helen Moffett Modjaji Books Virtual book events

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