Tales from the Marula Tree – an omnibus with 15 highly original and entertaining animal stories
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Tales from the Marula Tree by Leon de Villiers, illustrated by Linki Lutz, is out now from Lapa Publishers!

Every evening at sunset the troop of baboons climb to the top of the big Marula tree. It is their favourite tree to sleep in. They clamber around looking for a comfortable spot.

It takes a while for everyone to settle down, but eventually even Aunt Mangy has found the perfect branch for her tired body. All is quiet. The baboons are waiting for the evening star to appear.

Who will be the first to see the star tonight?

‘There it is!’ cries one of the little ones. As soon as the star has appeared, a little voice begs: ‘Please tell us a story!’

‘Yes, a story, a story!’ echoes in the branches.

Ook beskikbaar in Afrikaans as Maroelaboomstories.

Categories Fiction South Africa

Tags Childrens books Childrens literature LAPA Publishers Leon de Villiers Linki Lutz Tales from the Marula Tree

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