Rus sag, Tant Koelsoem: LAPA neem afskeid van Koelsoem Kamalie (1948 – 2020)
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Koelsoem Kamalie is op Saterdag 11 April 2020 oorlede op die ouderdom van 72.
Dié tannie van Bonteheuwel het luisteraars van RSG aan haar lippe laat hang met die heerlike resepte wat sy gedeel het, haar humor en die reguit manier waarop sy kon praat.
Alles het begin toe Riaz Kamalie, haar seun, eendag vir Amore Bekker ’n e-pos gestuur het om te sê sy ma kan lekker kook. Amore moet haar bel.
Amore het. Dit was die begin van groot dinge. Koelsoem Kamalie het ’n gereelde deelnemer op Amore Bekker se Tjailatyd geword.
Einste rondom Paasfees het die ander tannie van Bonteheuwel aan Amore en haar luisteraars bekend geword. Amore wou ’n kerrievisresep hê, toe sê Koelsoem: ‘Nee, ek is Slams, maar my vriendin Flori is Kris. Bel haar.’
So het dit gebeur dat Flori Schrikker ook gereeld resepte gedeel het daar uit Bonteheuwel. Luisteraars het begin vra vir meer.
LAPA het die tannies genader en met Amore Bekker se hulp het Koelsoem Kamalie en Flori Schrikker se eerste boek Kook saam Kaaps ’n wegholsukses geword. Dit was meer as ’n jaar lank sonder ophou op Nielsen se Top 100 vir niefiksie, waar dit met al die groot oorsese koekboeke meegeding het.
Die TV-reeks, Flori en Koelsoem se kosse, met Nina Swart as aanbieder, was eweneens ’n enorme sukses.
Die tannies het ’n tweede boek, Soettand, by LAPA uitgegee en het ook ’n tweede TV-reeks gemaak.
Koelsoem Kamalie word oorleef deur haar man, oom Osman, vier kinders en haar pragtige kleinkinders.
LAPA sê totsiens aan Tannie Koelsoem, met drie videos vanuit die argief:
Ontmoet Tannie Koelsoem van Bonteheuwel
Koelsoem en Flori het met Maroela Media gesels oor hul kookboek en liefde vir kosmaak.
Koelsoem en Flori by die bekendstelling van Soettand in 2017.
Hier is ‘n paar huldeblyke aan Koelsoem Kamalie:
‘She lived in the road where I grew up, and became friends with my mother. One day she asked me for a pickled fish recipe and to talk about it for radio. Because she was Muslim, she couldn’t really speak much about Easter, and from there everything started. One recipe led to another. Our first book is still a huge success.’ – Flori Schrikker
‘Aunty Koelli, as we all knew her, was my tietie, my eldest sister. She was one I could count on, could phone and have chats with and visit. There was too much to talk about. You could speak to her about anything – not only about cooking but politics and the latest things that were happening. She had interesting stories to tell. She wasn’t only a person that took interest in cooking but in many other things such as health and politics and daily life. She was very particular of her prayers and her religion, but she always embraced other religions.’ – Kamalie’s sister, Samsoeniesa Salie
We've lost an iconic storyteller. Aunty Koelsoem wasn't only an exceptional cook, but shared her love for her community and lived realities through the stories she told, while taking us through a unique culinary experience. Our condolences to the Kamalie family, and loved ones
— Anroux Marais (@Anroux_Marais) April 12, 2020
I remember Aunty Koelsoem captivating all in attendance at our Oral History Initiative in Bonteheuwel a few years back, as she walked us through chapters of her life while jovially cooking up a storm with her ever-flanking partner Taanie Florence Schrikker. Her presence, traditional nature and compassionate drive will surely be missed in the Western Cape, particularly in the streets of Bonteheuwel. – Die Wes-Kaapse minister van sport en kultuur Anroux Marais
Tannie Koelsoem vanmiddag oorlede. Legende, geliefd! Groot bydrae tot Afrikaanse kultuur. #kooksaamkaaps @LAPAUitgewers #koelsoemkamalie #florischrikker
— japieg (@GouwsJapie) April 11, 2020
Tannie Koelsoem, dit was vir ons ‘n reuse-voorreg om jou te ken. Jou menswees en jou voortreflike kookvernuf sal ons altyd bybly. Baie dankie vir jou bydrae tot Afrikaans. Rus sag! – ATKV op Facebook
Koelsoem Kamalie is vanmiddag oorlede. Ons gaan haar mis.@GouwsJapie @ATKVSA @LAPAUitgewers @Amorersg
— Izak de Vries (@izakdevries) April 11, 2020
One of Bonteheuwel's gems, Koelseom Kamalie has sadly passed away. Aunty Koelsoem will be remembered as a caring, community worker with a heart of gold. Through her amazing partnership with Florence Schrikker, known as Aunty Flory, the duo produced a number of cookbooks.
— Voice of the Cape (@VOCfm) April 11, 2020
Good Morning guys, my dedication today goes out to antie Koelsoem Kamalie, an ordinary housewife from Bonteheuwel who loved cooking with her friend, wrote a cookbook, had a TV show. She passed on recently. RIP antie Koelsoem #livegreat @IOL
— Edwin Lombard (@edwinlombard1) April 13, 2020
Categories Afrikaans Cookery Non-fiction South Africa South African Current Affairs
Tags Flori Schrikker Koelsoem Kamalie Kook saam Kaaps LAPA RIP Uitgewers