New book alert! Vagabond: Wandering Through Africa on Faith by Lerato Mogoatlhe

Vagabond: Wandering Through Africa on Faith by Lerato Mogoatlhe will be out from BlackBird Books in March 2019!
Mogoatlhe is a Johannesburg-based journalist with a passion for Africa. She has lived in Ethiopia, Burundi, Ghana, Kenya and Mali, among many other countries, and has travelled to 20 countries.
Vagabond is the story of Mogoatlhe’s life and travels around Africa.
Mogoatlhe first pitched her manuscript at Jacana’s innovative Pitch to Publication event – a Dragons’ Den-style live pitching session.
The eye-catching cover was illustrated and designed by Jacana Media designer Palesa Motsomi.
Feast your eyes:
Author image: Lerato Mogoatlhe on Twitter/Composite: The Reading List
Categories Africa Non-fiction South Africa
Tags Africa BlackBird Books Jacana Media Lerato Mogoatlhe Palesa Motsomi Travel Vagabond