Hot off the press! Scatterlings, the Dinaane Debut Fiction Award-winning novel by Resoketswe Manenzhe

Scatterlings by Rešoketšwe Manenzhe – the winner of the 2020 Dinaane Debut Fiction Award – will be in stores this Friday!
The novel is set over a hundred years ago, and chronicles a tale of migrancy very different to what we have come to expect in African literature.
It incorporates myth and ritual, and the stories of extraordinary, ordinary women.
What Scatterlings illustrates is that it is possible to write what you know without limiting yourself to your own actual, physical, lived experience.
‘Scatterlings is a brilliant piece of writing, telling a story seldom told in South Africa. It is a compelling, original novel, ambitious in its form, with a pioneering depth of research.’ – Jennifer Malec, Dinaane Debut Fiction Award judge
Get your copy this week!
What's the best time of the day?! #NewRelease advances arriving at JM HQ! Look @avatar_reso your baby just landed,hot off the presses #Scatterlings, winner of the Dinaane Debut Fiction Award, will be in stores from this Friday!
— FB: Jacana Media (@JacanaMedia) October 20, 2020
About the author
Rešoketšwe Manenzhe is a PhD student and lecturer at the University of Cape Town. She is also an engineer who primarily works in the mining sphere. Manenzhe is no stranger to writing. In 2019, she won the Writivism Short Story Prize, and has also had a few of her short stories and poems published in journals such as the Kalahari Review and the Sol Plaatje European Union Anthology.
About the prize
For the past 15 years, first as the European Union Literary Award and now as The Dinaane Debut Fiction Award, this prize has unearthed great new literary talent within southern African countries. 2019’s winner was The Mourning Bird by Zambian author Mubanga Kalimamukwento.
Categories Africa Fiction South Africa
Tags Dinaane Debut Fiction Award Jacana Media New books New releases Rešoketšwe Manenzhe Scatterlings