Greg Mills chats about his new book Democracy Works, and rewiring politics to Africa’s advantage
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Greg Mills chatted to John Maytham on CapeTalk about his new book Democracy Works: Rewiring Politics to Africa’s Advantage.

Democracy Works is co-authored with Olusegun Obasanjo, Jeffrey Herbst and Tendai Biti, and explores how we can learn to nurture and deepen democracy in Africa to ensure economic growth and political stability.

Making democracy work relies on much more than having free and fair elections. It depends on what happens between elections. It relies on the systems and institutions of government. Very importantly it hinges on what politicians want to do with the power they acquire, beyond the power itself. It also demands that local leadership has a plan for the country beyond simply winning the popular vote.

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Categories Non-fiction South Africa

Tags CapeTalk Democracy Works Greg Mills Jeffrey Herbst Olusegun Obasanjo Pan Macmillan SA Podcasts Soundcloud Tendai Biti

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