Getting divorced? How to safeguard your finances before and after – a Jacana Media Masterclass
 More about the book!

Jacana Media’s first Masterclass is specifically aimed at women, and even more specifically at women considering divorce.

It was recently reported that the divorce rate in South Africa has risen by 20% under lockdown level 4 and 3.

This online evening class is presented by Christel du Toit, author of Divorce Smart, who will guide you and help you acquire the tools needed to cope with the general confusion and panic which so many soon-to-be, or recently, divorced women face.

Event details

Date: Wednesday 22 July 2020
Time: 6pm

Spend an hour with Du Toit and you will come away with a greater understanding of the following:

Course content

  • Understanding your rights
  • How the transfer of property arising from a divorce works
  • Married ANC or in Community of Property – how does this affect a claim on your residential property?
  • What percentage can you claim from your spouse’s pension fund?
  • Medical aid – how to manage on a single income?

Du Toit will be working from her book so prepare yourself by getting a copy before the Masterclass. Purchase your copy here!

Categories Non-fiction South Africa

Tags Book events Christel du Toit Divorce Smart Jacana Media Virtual book events

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