Footnotes, July 2023: Book links from around the web

At The Reading List, we’re trainspotters when it comes to interesting book links, and here are a number that caught our eye.
- Don’t miss the African Futurism festival this weekend at Bridge Books!
- Was Chaucer #AntiWork?
- ‘If this is his final book, it is a great one’ – the first reviews of JM Coetzee’s new book The Pole and Other Stories are coming in.
- Virginia Woolf’s copy of her own debut novel The Voyage Out features handwritten notes that have now been rediscovered and digitised.
- The problem with Goodreads: Authors are at the mercy of people who don’t bother reading their work.
- Beware AI-produced Children’s Books!
- Need a career boost? 8 books you must read for career growth.
- Dip into 14 first and last sentence novels.
- The life, death – and afterlife – of literary fiction.
- Am I Too Old for This? A 65-year-old debut novelist examines the publishing world’s obsession with youth.
- Are book critics becoming too nice?
- Petitions and lawsuits: The first waves of AI-generated text have writers and publishers reeling.
- Where to start with: Haruki Murakami.
- Twenty years after his death, LitHub unpacks the legacy of Chilean poet and novelist Roberto Bolaño.
- The critical tide is turning, once again: Art that tries to minister to its audience by showcasing moral aspirants and paragons or the abject victims of political oppression produces smug, tiresome works that are failures both as art and as agitprop.
Header image: Ben White on Unsplash
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Tags Footnotes South Africa