Don’t miss the launch of Marguerite Poland’s new novel A Sin of Omission in Durban (10 Oct)
More about the book!

Penguin Random House and Exclusive Books invite you to the Durban launch of A Sin of Omission by Marguerite Poland.
Marguerite will be in conversation with Prof. Mbongeni Malaba at the launch.
Event details
Date: Thursday, 10 October 2019
Time: 18:00 for 18:30
Venue: Exclusive Books Gateway, Shop F248, Gateway Theatre of Shopping, Cnr Sugar Close and Gateway Drive, Umhlanga
RSVP: or 011 798 0180
Facebook event
‘Salvation seemed random. A matter of luck, of timing. Alighting like a fly on some and not on others.’
Please join us at @ExclusiveBooks Gateway for the launch of A SIN OF OMISSION, the new novel by Marguerite Poland. She will be in conversation with Prof Mbongeni Malaba.
— @PenguinBooksSA (@PenguinBooksSA) September 22, 2019
About the book
In the Eastern Cape, Stephen (Malusi) Mzamane, a young Anglican priest, must journey to his mother’s rural home to inform her of his elder brother’s death.
First educated at the Native College in Grahamstown, Stephen was sent to England in 1869 for training at the Missionary College in Canterbury. But on his return to South Africa, relegated to a dilapidated mission near Fort Beaufort, he had to confront not only the prejudices of a colonial society but the discrimination within the Church itself.
Conflicted between his loyalties to the amaNgqika people, for whom his brother fought, and the colonial cause he as Reverend Mzamane is expected to uphold, Stephen’s journey to his mother’s home proves decisive in resolving the contradictions that tear at his heart.
Categories Fiction South Africa
Tags A Sin of Omission Book events Book launches Durban Exclusive Books Marguerite Poland Mbongeni Malaba Penguin Random House SA