Z Pallo Jordan


7000 books donated to high schools

Breakthrough is an accessible and authoritative account of the power struggles and secret talks that led to the formal negotiations between the ANC and the NP government, written by Mac Maharaj and Z Pallo Jordan, two ANC veterans who were close to these events.


New book alert! Breakthrough by ANC veterans Mac Maharaj and Z Pallo Jordan

Breakthrough by ANC veterans Mac Maharaj and Z Pallo Jordan demonstrates that the events that preceded the formal talks of 1990–1994 are crucial for a full understanding of South Africa’s transition from apartheid to democracy.


Z Pallo Jordan says the assassination of Ruth First was no mistake

Z Pallo Jordan says there is no doubt in his mind that Ruth First was specifically targeted with the letter bomb that took her life.


Join Z Pallo Jordan for the launch of his new book, Letters to my Comrades

Pallo Jordan’s new book, Letters to my Comrades,  will be launched at the University of Johannesburg this month.


Letters to my Comrades: Interventions and Excursions – the new book by Z Pallo Jordan

Z Pallo Jordan’s new book, Letters to my Comrades: Interventions and Excursions, is the ultimate collection of his piercing yet embraceable thoughts and inquiries.