Why We Kill

‘South Africa’s murder rate has again broken records’ – Karl Kemp expounds on his new book Why We Kill: Mob Justice and the New Vigilantism in South Africa

‘If you’ve ever wondered why South Africa is such a violent place, why we seem so obsessed with violence, and how we seemingly live surrounded by the potential for violence at all times, you should read this book.’

Don’t miss the Love Books launch of Why We Kill: Mob Justice and the New Vigilantism in South Africa by Karl Kemp (24 Apr)

Why do so many South Africans prefer to take the law into their own hands rather than rely on the police? Why are those who do so often cheered or sympathised with?

‘I think this book says a lot about where we are as a country’ – Karl Kemp introduces Why We Kill: Mob Justice and the New Vigilantism in South Africa

Karl Kemp’s Why We Kill: Mob Justice and the New Vigilantism in South Africa delves into the unsettling rise of vigilante justice in South Africa.

Why are more South Africans resorting to mob justice? Why We Kill explores the current crisis of vigilantism

Why do so many South Africans prefer to take the law into their own hands rather than rely on the police? Why are those who do so often cheered or sympathised with?