Truth to Power

Andre de Ruyter’s book Truth to Power: My Three Years Inside Eskom now available as an audiobook!
This year’s fastest-selling book, Truth to Power: My Three Years Inside Eskom by Andre de Ruyter, is now available in audiobook format!

Truth to Power: Penguin Random House takes legal steps against individuals distributing pirated ebook
Penguin Random House SA has announced it will be taking legals steps against individuals sharing the pirated version of André de Ruyter’s book Truth to Power.

Truth to Power: Penguin Random House will take legal action against illegal distribution of Andre de Ruyter’s book
Penguin Random House is appalled by the illegal distribution of a pirated PDF of Truth to Power: My Three Years Inside Eskom by André de Ruyter, which is being disseminated on WhatsApp.

Find out more about André de Ruyter’s new book Truth to Power: My Three Years Inside Eskom (Plus: Read an excerpt!)
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