This Is How It Is

Why write? Why publish? Why read? Find out at the launch of This Is How It Is: True Stories from South Africa

The Life Righting Collective and Love Books invite you to the launch of This Is How It Is: True Stories from South Africa.

Don’t miss the Cape Town launch of This Is How It Is: True Stories from South Africa

The Life Righting Collective and Jacana Media invite you to the launch of This Is How It Is: True Stories from South Africa.

This Is How It Is: The healing power of life writing, one shared story at a time

This Is How It Is a ‘refreshing, poignant and wide-ranging’ (Helen Moffett) collection of real life experiences: 52 stories, prose and poetry, that tell of a man who is anxious about an HIV test; a child with an alarming nose for gossip and a girl who is saved by the enemy in a war zone.