Otosirieze Obi-Young

New book alert! The Beautyful Ones Have Just Been Born, the new Gerald Kraak Anthology

The Beautyful Ones Have Just Been Born: Vol. IV: The Gerald Kraak Anthology is out this month from Jacana Media!

Ellah Wakatama joins the panel of judges for the fourth Gerald Kraak Anthology and Prize

The Jacana Literary Foundation, in partnership with the Other Foundation, is delighted and honoured to welcome Ellah Wakatama to the panel of judges that will adjudicate the 2020/21 Gerald Kraak Anthology and Prize.

OluTimehin Adegbeye wins the Gerald Kraak Prize for her essay ‘Mothers and Men’

OluTimehin Adegbeye has won the R25,000 Gerald Kraak Prize, which honours African writing and photography that ‘provokes thought on the topics of gender, social justice and sexuality’.

Award announcement: Submissions for the Gerald Kraak Prize will be kept open all year

News flash: From now on submissions for the Gerald Kraak Prize will be kept open all year round. Selections for the 2019 anthology will be made by the end of February 2019 – but new submissions are welcome at any time.