

What will the near future look like, and how do we write about it?

And Then What Happened? By Paige Nick I’m feeling conflicted about storytelling right now. Not about its importance or longevity, I’ll never …


Help South Africa’s beloved indie bookshops keep their doors open during lockdown

The latest edition of Burn After Reading tells you everything you need to know about supporting your local independent bookshop.


Uber Eats is now delivering books from Exclusive Books in South Africa

Exclusive Books has joined forces with Uber Eats to deliver books to word-hungry South Africans. 


LAPA maak e-lees nog meer bekostigbaar met 30% af op alle e-boeke (17 – 30 April 2020)

LAPA het alle e-boeke op ons webruimte afgemerk met 30%. Dit beteken e-lees is nog meer bekostigbaar as ooit te vore. Die aanbod geld tot 30 April 2020.


Footnotes, April 2020: Book links from around the web

At The Reading List, we’re trainspotters when it comes to interesting book links, and here are a number that caught our eye. …