Win 1 of 3 sets of tickets to Rock on the Lawns – take a photo in the Hippie photobooth at Skoobs
More about the book!

‘May God give you … For every storm, a rainbow, For every tear, a smile, For every care, a promise, And a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, A faithful friend to share, For every sigh, a sweet song, And an answer for each prayer.’
– Paulo Coelho, Hippie
Take a photo in the Hippie by Paulo Coelho photobooth at Skoobs, Theatre of Books at Montecasino, and you could WIN 1 of 3 sets of tickets to Rock on the Lawns!
Post your picture on Facebook or Twitter with #Hippie to enter.
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“The worst killing is that which kills the joy we get from life.”
― Paulo Coelho, HippieRemember you have until 31 Dec to take a photo in the Hippie photobooth at @SkoobsTOB at @MONTECASINOZA to WIN 1 of 3 sets of tickets to Rock on the Laws
Post your pic #Hippie to enter.
— @PenguinBooksSA (@PenguinBooksSA) December 14, 2018
Categories Fiction International Non-fiction
Tags Competitions Hippie Paulo Coelho Penguin Random House SA Win