The incredibly detailed Birds of Southern Africa and their Track and Signs – essential for all bird lovers’ bookshelves

Birds of Southern Africa and their Track and Signs – a user friendly field guide that provides a fresh approach to bird watching in southern Africa.
The book explores the unique details of the spoor or tracks as well as observing their droppings, their feeding behaviour and their nesting structures.
It’s amazing to see how tracks and signs in nature help you to enrich your knowledge of a bird. Some aspects are a simple as knowing the shape of each nest of our different weaver species, or understanding the role of a drum-site in the life of a bearded woodpecker, or even seeing the subtle signs of a cardinal woodpecker on the various acacia pods that host its larval food.
Louis Liebenberg has generously provided some sketches of spoor he has made for his own publications, making these clear schematics available to assist with identification. Skulls, feathers, beaks and egg shells are also occasionally encountered, and a few examples of these will be included, as they also tell a story of a bird which has passed by. This approach to southern Africa’s birdlife will add tremendously to how we experience our wonderful avifauna.
Birds have not been previously explored in such detail and this book is essential for all bird lovers’ bookshelves.
About the author
Lee Gutteridge is an experienced, enthusiastic and well-known nature guide and trainer. With 20 years of experience in the bush, he has come to realise that guiding is not just about knowledge, but more importantly about how we share it with our guests from around the world. He personally trains for many well-known and highly experienced guide and tracker teams at some of the southern and central African region’s top lodges, with programmes focusing on a wide range of subjects including track identification skills.
Categories Non-fiction South Africa
Tags Birds of Southern Africa and their Track and Signs Jacana Media Lee Gutteridge Louis Liebenberg Nature New books New releases