NB Publishers on Hawks raid of Jacques Pauw’s home: ‘We condemn this jackboot move in the strongest of terms’

NB Publishers has released a statement following a raid by the Hawks on the home of Jacques Pauw, author of the controversial book The President’s Keepers.

Read the statement:

On Wednesday afternoon Hawks officers raided the home of author Jacques Pauw.

We condemn this jackboot move in the strongest of terms and stand by our author and the right of the South African public to know how our law enforcement agencies go about their business. The President’s Keepers brought to light abuse of and corruption at these agencies, and this raid is evidence of how the priorities are perverted. They are choosing to shoot the messenger rather than investigating what Jacques Pauw has revealed in his book.

For more information on the raid see below:

Categories Non-fiction South Africa South African Current Affairs

Tags Jacques Pauw NB Publishers The President's Keepers

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