Join Justice Malala at The Book Lounge for the launch of The Plot to Save South Africa: Chris Hani’s Murder and the Week Nelson Mandela Averted Civil War (31 May)
 More about the book!

The Book Lounge and Jonathan Ball Publishers invite you to the launch of The Plot to Save South Africa: Chris Hani’s Murder and the Week Nelson Mandela Averted Civil War by Justice Malala.

Malala will be in conversation with the owner of The Book Lounge, Mervyn Sloman.

Johannesburg. Easter weekend. 1993. Chris Hani, the charismatic ANC leader, is shot and killed outside his home by white supremacist Janusz Waluś in an attempt to stop talks to transform South Africa into a multiracial democracy. The aim of the assassination is simple and chilling: to tip the country into all-out civil war.

Twenty-two-year-old rookie journalist Justice Malala was one of the first people at the crime scene …

On the 30th anniversary of Hani’s death, this book tells us just how close South Africa came to civil war and how Mandela and De Klerk – despite provocation and despite their own fears, failures and doubts – chose the path of peace.

Event details

Date: Wednesday 31 May 2023
Time: 17:30 for 18:00
Venue: The Book Lounge, 71 Roeland St, Cape Town
RSVP: or 021 462 2425
Facebook event

Categories Non-fiction South Africa South African Current Affairs

Tags Book events Book launches Cape Town Chris Hani Jonathan Ball Publishers Justice Malala Mervyn Sloman The Book Lounge The Plot to Save South Africa

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