Entries open for Sunday Times Alan Paton Award for non-fiction and Barry Ronge Fiction Prize
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Submissions are open for the 2018 Sunday Times Alan Paton Award for non-fiction and the Barry Ronge Fiction Prize.

The list of titles that publishers wish to enter should reach the convenors, by email, by Monday, 20 November 2017.

Prize convenors Jennifer Platt and Michele Magwood, along with the chairs of the respective judging panels, will select longlists of approximately 25 books per prize for the judges to assess.

The winners will be announced next year.

Publishers are requested to nominate no more than FOUR TITLES per imprint and to submit a list of other titles published in 2016 that are eligible. The judging panels may select additional titles for consideration at their discretion.

Only upon receiving notification from the conveners that a title or titles have been included on the longlist, should publishers send five print copies of each title to the Sunday Times, by Monday 4 December 2017.

Prize criteria & entry forms

Note: you can print/download these documents at their links:

Publishers are requested to email a list of all titles that they wish to enter to Jennifer Platt of the Sunday Times, at PlattJ@tisoblackstar.co.za by no later than Monday 20 November 2017.

Categories Fiction Non-fiction South Africa

Tags Alan Paton Award Awards Barry Ronge Fiction Prize News Sunday Times

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