Call for entries: Asymptote’s Close Approximations international translation contest

Asymptote has announced the fourth edition of the Close Approximations international translation contest.
The competition is open to emerging translators, inviting translations in two genres: fiction and poetry.
The winner and two runners-up in each category will respectively receive 1,000 USD and 250 USD worth of prizes that includes a one-year Asymptote Book Club subscription.
In addition to the prize money, winners will also be featured in the Winter 2019 issue of Asymptote, joining an exceptional roster of translators that have been published in the journal’s pages, including JM Coetzee, Michael Hofmann, Lydia Davis, Damion Searls, Rosmarie Waldrop, Howard Goldblatt, Ellen Elias-Bursac, and Jennifer Croft.
Categories Fiction International
Tags Asymptote Competitions