Mozambique Hell Run: Trucking Tales of the War by Miguel Mitras
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An unforgettable memoir about driving through Africa’s most treacherous roads during the Mozambican civil war. They called it the ‘Hell Run’.

Miguel Mitras weaves a story of friendships, human vulnerability and navigating through emotions that come at you. In this candid account of trucking through Mozambique in 1991, you might even find a little laugh bubbling out as you read of the shenanigans of the author and his friends. He relives harrowing tales of running the gauntlet through the bandit-infested countryside with humor and vivid imagery.

It’s a compelling read that offers new insights into the conflict, including the chaotic Portuguese departure from Africa in 1974-75. A brutal yet complex civil war followed, where danger lurked everywhere. Especially on the transport corridors which became a battleground.

Categories Africa Non-fiction South Africa

Tags Miguel Mitras Mozambique Hell Run

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