This Saturday, bring your kids to the virtual launch of Emily Child’s new picture book, Listen to Your Diddalum (Plus: review and video)
More about the book!

Imagnary House invites you to the virtual launch of Emily Child’s latest picture book, Listen to Your Diddalum, this Saturday at 10:00.
You and your kids can join Emily and popular illustrator Maria Lebedeva for a live reading and an illustration tutorial.
Don’t miss it! (Scroll down for a review and video)
Virtual book launch event details
Date: Saturday 20 June 2020
Time: 10:00 CAT
Facebook event
Review by Anna Stroud, children’s book lover
I’ve always found wisdom between the pages of children’s books. One of my all-time favourites is still Anatole by Eve Titus. Anatole is a French mouse that becomes a cheese critic in his quest to prove that not all mice are thieves. His firm but fair critiques bring instant fame to M’sieu Duval’s cheese factory and in the process, Anatole restores his dignity.
Anatole has something deep inside himself that guides him towards doing the right and noble thing. Children’s book author Emily Child would call it … his Diddalum!
Listen to Your Diddalum is Emily’s latest book and fills me with the same sense of awe and wonder as my favourite childhood stories. Emily explains the origins of her picture book:
‘When I was very small and feeling nervous, shy or not quite myself, I would go and sit on my grandmother’s lap … and she would bob me up and down and sing the Diddalum song.’
What is a Diddalum and why should you listen to it? A Diddalum is … a dancing freckle on your heart … a heart sneeze … your name (without the word part) and much, much more.
Listen to Your Diddalum is a well-timed book about how to think about and express your feelings. With this book, children can explore the thing deep inside themselves that makes them happy and reminds them what really matters in the world. It’s the thing that makes you strong and brave when you need to be – something we all need from time to time.
Grownups can also get reacquainted with their inner selves, especially during this difficult time when we’re feeling all sorts of emotions like anxiety, stress, despair and loneliness.
Children and parents will love Maria Lebedeva’s captivating illustrations and this moving story about loving yourself from the inside out. My Diddalum told me to review this book and so, I did.
But don’t just take my word for it. Check out this video to see what other children think about Listen to Your Diddalum:
Available on Imagnary House
Categories Fiction South Africa
Tags Book events Book launches Book Reviews Children Childrens books Childrens literature Emily Child Imagnary House Listen to Your Diddalum Maria Lebedeva
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