Stories from the Space Between, by Warren J Banks
 More about the book!

A collection of poetry – and one longer prose piece – by a new South African writer (April 2019).

This poetry collection is about change and transformation; about making and unmaking; about departures, journeys and (sometimes) arrivals. These liminal zones – the spaces between – may be fallow or pregnant with possibility. They occur in our lives, our relationships, in chance encounters, in dreams … At the edges of the everyday and the ordinary, where one thing becomes another – or tries to.

Categories Non-fiction South Africa

Tags Poetry Stories from the Space Between Warren J Banks

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  • C

    Thanks for this supportive feedback! Appreciated – and motivating. XO

  • Thanks for being brave and vulnerable in sharing these very moving poems. I’ve been able to journey with you to the liminal places Warren, and the journey has filled me with spaciousness and new breath to take my own journeys.

  • I’m obsessed with your writing! I relate to your words on such a deep level. I find myself visualizing each scene and see myself clearly in the ‘space between’ your words. Thank you for sharing your experience and allowing such brave insight into you life. Amazing piece of work!

  • An amazing, inspiring, gifted writer. Every poem evokes strong emotions – and brings ones hidden thoughts into the light, through his words. The prose is simply delightful. A truly beautiful, inspirational, and moving read.

  • Deeply personal poems with universal appeal. I loved it!

  • C

    To see some excerpts from this book, please take a look my FB (@wjbanks.writer), Instagram pages (@warrenjbanks-writer) and Twitter (@WarrenJBanks1) pages.