George Bizos to deliver annual Nadine Gordimer Lecture at Wits

Advocate George Bizos will deliver this year’s Nadine Gordimer Lecture at Wits University.

The event will take place on 18 May, 2017, in the Great Hall at Wits.

The gales of war blew a 13-year-old Greek boy to our shores. He was to become a South African civil rights lawyer of international standing, a devastating cross-examiner of apartheid’s authorisd tortures and killers. Long before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was visualised, George Bizos pursued the truth of what was being done to those who suffered under and had the courage to oppose a racist regime turned brutal tyrant. When George Bizos won a case, it was not just a professional victory – it was an imperative of a man whose deep humanity directs his life.

Categories Non-fiction South Africa

Tags Book events George Bizos Nadine Gordimer Lecture Wits University

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