Don’t miss the launch of Welcome Mandla Lishivha’s memoir Boy on the Run at Book Circle Capital (13 Oct)
More about the book!

Join Welcome Mandla Lishivha for a discussion of their memoir Boy on the Run at Book Circle Capital.
‘It is the godly feeling of dancing like a goddess and snapping on a beat with sheer joy that makes all the trouble life demands worthwhile. In these moments, of intensive freedom from pain, of joy that knows no bound and peace that passeth all understanding, I become that kid again, dancing with my mother.’
Published by Jacana Media, Lishivha’s exquisitely crafted memoir is unlike anything you’ve ever read. Boy on the Run is a staggeringly beautiful and honest exploration of identity through grief, love and friendship, giving us, the readers, a glorious song of self-expression.
Event details
Date: Thursday 13 October 2022
Time: 18:00 for 18:30
Venue: Book Circle Capital, 27 Boxes, 4th Ave, Melville, Johannesburg
Often when we read heartbreaking headlines of women tragically killed by those who claim to love them, we hardly think of those they leave behind.
In Boy On The Run @WelcomeWrites writes about grief, love, identity & so much more. Join us tonight @book_capital @JacanaMedia
— Sewela Langeni (@sewela_langeni) October 13, 2022
Categories Non-fiction South Africa
Tags Book Circle Capital Book events Book launches Boy on the Run Johannesburg Welcome Mandla Lishivha