Don’t miss a book discussion of We Are No Longer at Ease at the Constitution Hill Human Rights Festival (22 Mar)
 More about the book!

‪‪Is free higher education a human right? Join Jacana Media for a book discussion and intergenerational conversation at Constitution Hill.

We Are No Longer at Ease: The Struggle for #FeesMustFall is a collection of essays, speeches and poetry from voices of young people who were part of #FeesMustFall. The book is edited by Wandile Ngcaweni and Busani Ngcaweni.

The book tells the journey of a youth that participated in a movement that redefined politics in post-apartheid South Africa, and is the evidence of a ‘born free’ generation telling their own story and leading discourse as well as action in transforming South Africa.

Date: Friday, 22 March 2019
Time: 18:00
Venue: Constitution Hill, Johannesburg
RSVP: kwara@conhill.org.za


Categories Non-fiction South Africa South African Current Affairs

Tags Book events Busani Ngcaweni Constitution Hill Jacana Media Johannesburg Wandile Ngcaweni We Are No Longer at Ease

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